
Beyond Polus

Why your once White teeth don’t shine like they used to

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It’s often said that the first thing people notice about you is your smile. Now, for people with pristinely white teeth, that’s not a problem. Because, put simply, those people have nothing to worry about; when your teeth bear the same shade as a straight-out-the-ream piece of loose-leaf, there’s no chance that you’ll be judged harshly for the image framed between your lips. For a large majority, however, people with varying degrees of dental imperfection that leave teeth anywhere from ...

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Orange Juice Worse for Teeth than Whitening

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Orange Juice Worse for Teeth than Whitening

With the increasing popularity of whitening one’s teeth, researchers at the Eastman Institute* for Oral Health, part of the University of Rochester Medical Center, set out to learn if there are negative effects on the tooth from using whitening products.

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